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Gana puntos
After your 50th meal prep order:
50 puntos
Create an account on the Gainz & Shreds website.
20 puntos
Follow Gainz & Shreds on social media (pts earned for each platform follow, e.g. IG, FB, etc.)
2 puntos
Leave a review on Yelp.
20 puntos
Like, comment on, & share a FitFam Community blog post.
10 puntos
Place a restaurant order
1 punto por cada 1 US$ gastado
Subscribe to the Gainz and Shreds Meal Prep email list.
5 puntos
Tag Gainz & Shreds in a post on FB or IG.
5 puntos
Tag Gainz & Shreds in a story on FB or IG.
3 puntos
Canjea recompensas
Order discount
20 puntos = 1 US$ de descuento
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