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How to Place a Gainz and Shreds Meal Prep Order: A Step-by-Step Guide

At Gainz and Shreds Meal Prep, we're dedicated to providing you with convenient, macro-friendly meal prep solutions that cater to a variety of dietary needs and preferences. We've created this guide to walk you through the process of placing an order and improve your experience on our website. Bon appetit!

Woman in gym eating healthy meal prep


  1.  Browse our Menu: Start by exploring our menu, where you'll find a wide range of options to suit your tastes and nutritional needs. From savory protein-packed dishes to flavorful vegetarian options, there's something for everyone.

  2. View Nutrition Information: Click on the macros page to view detailed nutrition information, including macronutrient breakdowns and calorie counts for any menu item. Transparency is one of our core values, and we want you to feel confident about the nutritional content of your meals.

  3. Use Our Macro Calculator: Customize your meals using our macro calculator. Simply input the amounts of proteins, carbs, and veggies you desire, and the calculator will display the macronutrient breakdown for each menu item, including specialty items. Did you know that we have an in-house coach who can help you determine your body’s macronutrient needs, tailored to your fitness goals?  


  1. Select Your Meals: Once you've explored our menu and customized your meals, including the quantity and size options that best fit your needs, click “Order Online” from the left-hand menu dropdown, or from the site map in the footer. Add your selections to your cart.

  2. Choose Delivery or Pickup: When you’re ready to check out, decide whether you'd like your meals delivered straight to your doorstep or prefer to pick them up from our San José ghost kitchen. You can also schedule your order in advance. Pickup orders have a 2-hour turnaround time, while delivery orders have a 3-hour turnaround time.

  3. Checkout: Review your order summary and proceed to checkout. You'll have the option to make a one-time purchase or sign up for a weekly subscription for added convenience.

  4. Subscribe for Weekly Deliveries: For FitFam community members, signing up for a weekly subscription is easy. Choose from various subscription packages to ensure you have delicious and nutritious meals ready for you every week.

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Whether you subscribe to a meal plan or not, join our FitFam Community and stay in the loop with Gainz and Shreds news, promotions, and exclusive offers!


Once your order is confirmed, sit back and relax. Our team of culinary experts will prepare your meals with care, using only the highest quality ingredients. With Gainz and Shreds Meal Prep, achieving your health and fitness goals has never been easier or more delicious.

Ready to Get Started?

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you with Gainz and Shreds Meal Prep!

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